
Roll Out the Rain Barrel is rolling out rain barrels to help homeowners, multi-family property managers, and commercial business facility or sustainability managers with their storm water and energy conservation needs. Our parent company, Handyman Services of Chevy Chase, crafts custom outdoor living installations to enhance your garden enjoyment. We offer you:

Our niche retail products are repurposed wine and whiskey barrels retrofitted for use as a rain barrel. These casks will provide you with quite a conversation piece while you entertain outside. Functional, durable and aesthetically pleasing, these are a fabulous alternative for highly visible locations such as the front of your home or on a deck or patio. Our rain barrels make a charming asset to your garden!

Sourced locally!

Your use of a rain barrel directly benefits the health of our watersheds and reduces demand on municipal water systems.

For every one inch of rain, a typical quarter acre lot can only absorb 1800 gallons; the remaining 5000 runs off. For highly compacted areas in urban settings, the absorption is even less.

Custom outdoor fixtures built to last out of white cedar.


The next time it rains heavily, run out and take note of where the water flows, how much is flowing off of your property and where it goes…into the street, into your neighbor’s yard? If a commercial property, is the dumpster juice flowing down the parking lot into the storm drain?

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